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Dripping Paint

 Services Offered

Because I respect your time, and because I understand what a big decision this is, I like to offer complete transparency regarding the costs of services. 
My fees are on a sliding sale, with flexible payment options available.

For Birth Support, I also offer partnership with other doulas (when available). If this is something you are interested in, please be advised that the fee is flat at $2,200

Labor and Birth Services


Labor and Birth Doula Package: Sliding Scale, $1,700-$2,200

  • A MINIMUM of 3 prenatal visits

  • 24/7 on call support beginning at 38 weeks gestation

  • Assistance in drafting an informed birth plan

  • Early labor support as needed, in home or hospital

  • Care, attention and support once active labor has begun; including, but not limited to: Visualization, Meditation, Use of Birth Ball, Mobility and Position Changes, Relaxation, Focus, Verbal Encouragement, Breath Work, Vocalization, Aromatherapy, Massage techniques

  • On-site support immediately after delivery, for up to 2 hours postpartum, including, but not limited to: Encouragement of Infant Bonding, Establishing Breastfeeding, Protecting the Family Environment, and Support for Unexpected Outcomes         

  • Optional Postpartum home visits (3) for continuity of care prior to 6 weeks postpartum


** CDPHP Subscribers now eligible for reimbursement up to $1,500 for Doula Services

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Image by Jonathan Borba
Image by Igordoon Primus

Postpartum Support

Postpartum Services: $35/hour
Non-judgemental support, evidence-based education, and provisional resources regarding:

  • Newborn/Infant feeding

  • Newborn/Infant care (grooming, diapering, soothing)

  • Safe sleep practices

  • Sibling transitioning     

  • Babywearing

-I also tend to the things that can interfere with rest, recovery, and family bonding, such as: 

  • Light housework

  • Meal prep/cooking according to dietary needs

  • Small errands that may need to be ran, etc.


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Baby-wearing Consultations

*Included for Postpartum clients*

Did you receive a baby wrap or carrier that you really want to love, but just... Can't? Maybe you have seen other people walking around with tiny humans strapped to their chests, and have wondered what the deal is with that? Perhaps, you have fantasized over what life could be like, if you could only keep your baby from crying long enough to shove down a handful of potato chips into your mouth. Move over sticky grocery carts and impossible to fold strollers! We are ready to give baby-wearing a go! I provide a babywearing consultation fitted to your needs. I can help you work with what you have got by teaching proper fitting, wearing, and tying techniques. Or, I can bring my suitcase of baby- wears, and work with you while you try different styles of wraps and carriers, fitted properly to your baby and your body. Discover or renew the joy of babywearing with me!


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Mothers and their Baby
Image by Mother of Wilde

Lactation Support

*Included for Birth and Postpartum Clients*

Want to nurse your baby? It can be a wonderful means to bond with your baby, and is of course, the perfect nourishment. Yet that doesn't mean it is without its own unique challenges that at times require intervention and support. Lactation services include, but are not limited to:

-Anticipatory counsel and guidance during the prenatal period

-Non- judgmental support and affirmations

-Immediate lactation support within the first hour postpartum 

-Facilitation of skin to skin

-Protection of the family environment/family support

-Latch assessments

-Hand expression and pumping support

-Safe milk handling education

-Guidance on introducing a bottle to your breastfed baby

-Support during special circumstances (premature infant, multiples, oral anomalies, chest-feeding, re-lactation, etc)

-Resources and referrals

-Milk and Cookies Support Group         


*virtual and in person available*

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